Please ensure you follow this procedure step by step in order to purchase an image:
(1) Read the information on this page and ensure you understand the process. This entire purchasing process is internet/digitally based.
(2) View the gallery and choose which image(s) you wish to purchase. Do not purchase them at this stage.
(3) Send me a notification email to to inform me of your intention to purchase images 24 hours in advance. Please ensure you notify me which one(s) you are purchasing (e.g. product 1 and product 4) and the time/date you intend to purchase them with as much accuracy and commitment to that time/date as is practically possible for you. This allows me to attend to the commercial gallery and my paypal account in order to verify payment, remove the image from the commercial gallery and organise a transfer of copyrights statement to be returned with the image, all approximately at the time of purchase. Please be aware of time differences between places. I work online during typical business hours Perth W.A. time (i.e. ~ 9am to 5pm Mon to Fri).
(4) Ensure you email me from a valid email address that can also be used to provide a full resolution digital copy of the image(s) to you via Wetransfer.
(5) Go to the gallery and follow the purchasing process, proceed to paypal check out and finalise your purchase.
(6) Notifications on my web site and regular checks of my email inbox will allow me to verify purchases and associated payments to my paypal account within 24 hours of the time of purchase. Once payment has been verified, a full resolution image is digitally transferred (using Wetransfer) to the email address provided, along with a transfer of copyrights statement.
(7) Send me a final email to verify successful receipt of the chosen images via Wetransfer. This final email is important as it finalises the purchasing process and allows an opportunity for any potential purchasing and transfer issues to be resolved. I always work closely with a client to ensure a successful purchase.
Welcome to the Commercial Gallery of Conservation Through Art Australia. Here you will be able to view and purchase photographic images that are sold with the copyrights to that image. Once sold, an image is immediately removed from the site. For an example of my transfer of copyrights statement please go to the business section of the website. This gallery online shop has a three-fold function and makes available three types of images : (1) surfing images are uploaded here and provided as for sale after major surfing expeditions; (2) portfolios of high quality ‘sense of place’ and eco-tourism/marketing images are made available here for sale to local governments/shires after I complete photography expeditions in those areas; and (3) more generalised subject matter images that can be purchased by individuals to be used as gifts such as framed photos. Typically, only one type of these three different sets of images appear in this gallery at any one time. The gallery set is subject to change as appropriate to sales records etc. In all circumstances, the conditions and process of sale is the same – an image is sold with copyrights and the buyer is sent a high resolution digital copy of the image (using Wetransfer) after a transaction to me has been verified. All images are only sold once, then removed from the gallery.
The small images seen on the page here are water-marked and only viewable at the size and resolution seen here, until such time as a transaction to me takes place. The images here are jpg. files of around 2-6MB typically. Once an image is legally and formally purchased and the purchase has been verified, a higher resolution TIFF digital file is sent to the client using Wetransfer. This needs to be done using the clients email address hence, after an image has been purchased, the buyer must contact me using a valid email address that the image can be sent to using Wetransfer. This higher resolution digital image will have the water-mark removed and be of a resolution/quality that will enable the purchaser to have flexibility in personal use of the image – for example, reproducing it many times or printing it at a large poster size. These TIFF files are typically around 20-30MB, but sometimes a little bigger or smaller than that. Typically, the process enables a buyer to obtain a smaller (lower resolution) jpg. file via the online shop and a larger (higher resolution) TIFF file via Wetransfer.
Copyrights to these images is sold with the image and an official transfer of copyright statement sent to the purchaser along with the digital image after a transaction to me has taken place and been confirmed as being in my Paypal account.
These images are sold at two different prices – one set for individuals, one set for businesses. Conservation Through Art Australia only accepts payments via Paypal. Paypal can be used spontaneously (as a once off guest) without having to actually set up a Paypal account, or clients can choose to set up a fully operational Paypal account. The prices for these images are set at $50 for individuals and $200 for businesses. The catagorization of a client as individual or business is essentially based on a honesty system. Conservation Through Art Australia can, however, verify this standing using ATO (Australian Taxation Office), ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission), ABN and ACN information readily available from Australian government departments.
Please select the correct purchasing pathway appropriate to you as the buyer.
Coming Soon
Product 1
$50.00 – $200.00 Select options -
Product 2
$50.00 – $200.00 Select options -
Product 3
$50.00 – $200.00 Select options -
Product 4
$50.00 – $200.00 Select options -
Product 5
$50.00 – $200.00 Select options -
Product 6
$50.00 – $200.00 Select options -
Product 7
$50.00 – $200.00 Select options -
Product 8
$50.00 – $200.00 Select options -
Product 9
$50.00 – $200.00 Select options