Using my web site.

This web site is still being constructed so parts of it have not been resolved, but they will be in due course. The site is both commercial and educational and has three basic functions :

(1) : To provide unique natural area and sense of place character images to local governments and ecotourism/nature tourism businesses operating in Australia, as well as surfing images to individuals. Photographic images can be purchased along with copyrights to the image by going to the main menu link titled Gallery One (commercial) and using the online shop function. These images can be purchased online with a full resolution, high quality digital copy of the image sent to clients with copyrights to the image being sold with the image and a copyright statement being sent to the purchaser with the digital image after a transaction to me has taken place. Once a transaction to me has been confirmed, a client will be provided with a higher resolution (e.g. a TIFF file of typically between 15 and 40MB) digital copy of the image using a Wetransfer process to the clients email address. This higher resolution image can be used by an individual or a business/company as they wish. These images are sold at 2 different prices – one set for individuals and one for businesses/companies. Conservation Through Art Australia only accepts payments via Paypal. Paypal can be used spontaneously (as a once off guest) without having to actually set up a Paypal account, or clients can choose to set up a fully operational Paypal account. 

(2) : To increase exposure of my fine art and photography to the general public and provide an opportunity for potential buyers to contact me to make arrangements for the purchasing. This is done by using the Gallery two (Fine Art) link in the main menu, browsing the images for sale and then contacting me using the downloadable contact and order form which needs to be filled out and emailed to me. My Fine Art images cannot be purchased using the online shop. This web site simply provides an opportunity for initial contact between me and potential buyers.

(3): To increase awareness of the process of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Australia and to engage surfers and coastal communities – in particular – within this process. The main subject of my blog discussions is EIA and the blog will hopefully facilitate open public discussions about EIA, the various problems with it and the significance of the process in terms of the impact of developments on beaches, coastal areas, surfing spots and surfers. My blogs will aim to open up public discussion about EIA in Australia and will provide an opportunity for moderated discussions within this site in due course, once the site has been resolved.

Sandtrax is a sand and break wall surf break just south of Leighton beach in Perth, W.A. 
